Hollywood Buzz: Hilary Duff: I don’t know if fame’s worth the stress

Hilary Duff: I don’t know if fame’s worth the stress

Hilary Duff has revealed she sometimes wonders whether the stress of being famous is worth it.

Hilary told Stella magazine recently that combining her film and pop careers is hard work: “I go get stressed out and I do get sad sometimes about the constant work.”

“When I travel a lot usually I’m just so tired that I just want to go to my hotel room and sleep. After doing that for a couple of months you think, ‘Why do I do this? Where’s the reward?’ ”

She added that it’s especially frustrating when she puts in the effort but casting directors fail to see her potential as a serious actress: “They’ll meet with me. They’ll want to go somewhere and talk, ask questions. Then they’ll call and say, ‘We really love her, she’s great, wow.’ But they have no imagination.”

“I know people look at me and think I’m just so mainstream, ‘She’s just a blonde, young girl.’ But I want to be really artistic.”
