Hollywood Buzz: Usher's fiancee speaks out about wedding

Usher's fiancee speaks out about wedding

On Saturday morning, Usher was supposed to get married to Tameka Foster, but the nuptials were canceled amid rumors that the singer's mother was against the relationship. Tameka Foster was supposed to marry the R&B singer on Saturday and is pregnant with the couple's first child. Usher reportedly canceled the wedding at the last minute because Jonetta Patton, the former manager of her son was against the wedding. In fact, Jonetta Patton wasn't going to be at the wedding, after being left off the guest list for her negative feelings towards the union.

Tameka Foster denies that her relationship with her potential mother-in-law had anything to do with the cancellation. Foster spoke to People about Usher not becoming a groom and said, "No one knows why we canceled the wedding, but I can tell you that all of the reasons that everyone is speculating and writing about are completely untrue."

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