Hollywood Buzz: Lohan: 'I am innocent'

Lohan: 'I am innocent'

Lindsay Lohan, in an e-mail Tuesday night to "Access Hollywood" host Billy Rush, claimed she is innocent of felony cocaine possession.

Lohan, 21, was arrested early Tuesday in Santa Monica and released on bail for investigation of misdemeanor driving under the influence and with a suspended license, and felony cocaine possession.

"I am innocent... did not do drugs they're not mine. I was almost hit by my assistant Tarin's mom I appreciate everyone giving me my privacy," Lohan wrote, the show reported on its website Tuesday night.

Police found cocaine in one of the actress’pockets during a pre-booking search, Sgt. Shane Talbot said. Police initially said Lohan was also being booked for investigation of transporting a narcotic but later said she was not.

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