Hollywood Buzz: Lindsay Lohan keeps booze tag on as she pops to the shops

Lindsay Lohan keeps booze tag on as she pops to the shops

It might not exactly be this season's must-have accessory, but Lindsay Lohan's alcohol monitoring bracelet is certainly attracting a lot of attention.

Wearing tiny hotpants, the Hollywood starlet did little to disguise the device as she stepped out for a round of retail therapy in LA.

It's the second time since leaving rehab she has showed off the bracelet - she was also spotted wearing at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas just a day after checking out of the Promise treatment centre in Malibu.

Weighing eight ounces, it measures the alcohol content in the wear's perspiration and relays the information to a monitoring centre, providing an added incentive to stay on soft drinks.

A silent alarm is also triggered if the device is tampered with.

Still, the New York Post today hinted that the star may not have transformed her life completely, in a rather blatant "blind item".

It read: "Which hard-partying starlet has found out a way to get high while wearing an alcohol-monitoring anklet? She was asking where she could score some Ecstasy at a Vegas club the other night."

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