Hollywood Buzz: Victoria Beckham is ‘just a normal girl’

Victoria Beckham is ‘just a normal girl’

Victoria Beckham insisted Monday that she's "just a normal girl from London" who happens to be "living quite a surreal life" with her soccer star husband David and their three young boys.

Americans can judge for themselves when the newest British import is seen in a one-hour NBC special, "Victoria Beckham: Coming to America," airing July 16 at 8 p.m.

As if Posh and Becks aren't besieged enough by cameras, the special follows Victoria Beckham as she prepares to move from Europe to the United States for her husband's July 21 debut with the Los Angeles Galaxy of Major League Soccer.

"It's funny. People really get to see what I'm really like. I have quite a dry sense of humor, which I hope is going to translate to Americans," Beckham said by phone from her London home where boxes were piled up ahead of the family's move Wednesday.

"I'm incredibly blessed and I wanted to show that to everybody."

Beckham called herself "a working mum" who is focused on developing her signature line of clothing, sunglasses and perfume.

"That's my passion and that's what I'm good at," she said.

Beckham said her family was "so excited" about relocating that her boys "actually think they're moving to Disneyland."

The family will make do in a reported $22 million, 13,000-square foot villa in Beverly Hills, where neighbors include Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

Beckham described her family life as almost quaint, hanging out at home and watching DVDs.

David Beckham appears briefly in the special, but viewers won't see the couple's three sons — Brooklyn, 9; Romeo, 4; and Cruz, 2 — or their BFFs, Cruise and Holmes.

"We don't ever allow the children to be photographed or filmed. We like them to be normal kids," she said. "I didn't want any of my friends in there, either."

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