Hollywood Buzz: Nicole Richie To Pay For Her Own Jail Time

Nicole Richie To Pay For Her Own Jail Time

Nicole Richie has been sentenced to four days in jail after pleading guilty to DUI (driving under the influence) on Friday (27.07.07).

'The Simple Life' star - who is believed to be four months pregnant with her first child - entered the plea at California's Glendale courthouse.

Nicole also agreed to serve a three-year probation term, enrol in an alcohol education programme and pay a $2,048 fine.

Los Angeles County Commissioner Steven Lubell told the troubled 25-year-old: "Someone could've gotten killed. You need to understand that driving under the influence is extremely dangerous."

Nicole was given the option of serving her time in a paid city jail - which is seen as a more comfortable option than a county jail.

She wasn't given a surrender date, but must complete her sentence before September 28.

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